Dosbarth Chepstow
Welcome to Dosbarth Chepstow 2024-2025
Here is some information about Miss Green so that you can get to know her a little better.
Welcome to Autumn 2 we started off by learning about special events, we have learnt about Diwal, Bonfire night, and Remembrance day. We used natural materials to create Rangoli patterns and enjoyed experimenting with sources of light in the dark tent. We did some lovely observational drawings of poppies.
We have been very busy preparing four our Enterprise week. We walked to our local shop to buy our ingredients to make biscuits to sell at our frost fayre. We have been following instructions, measuring and decorating our Christmas biscuits in which we voted for to make. These were a huge success we even sold out on the day.
In our literacy sessions we looked at and used describing words as we tasted our biscuits to advertise and sell them.
​Here we are in week 6 and we have had a very busy week we had our first performance in our Christmas play. We had our Christmas dinner and watched a Christmas film. We continued our learning about light and discovered it helps us to be able to see. We also enjoyed making shadow puppets and Christingles.
We have continued exploring special events in week 2. We celebrated antibullying week and children in need. We wore odd socks and our pyjama's or spots. We have been working on our designing skills, designing our own socks using our pattern knowledge and creating our own Pudsey bear which also moves as part of our science and technology work.
In week 3 we have been busy using our Welsh to collect data about our friends asking them their favourite colour. We enjoyed a bug hunt as part of our outdoor learning, and we started to identify the changes of the variety of bugs about as it gets colder. We have also been learning the types of weather in Welsh and we were really lucky this week to be able to experience snow outside.
This half term we will learn through our theme of Cynefin “Being, Belonging and Becoming”. We will be learning about being part of a community. We will learn that we have a school community and a local community including being a part of Wales. We will be finding out all about being ourselves and becoming ambitious and capable learners.
We started our school year learning about being us! We painted our own portrait and learnt about our features and our body parts. We went on a body part hunt using our check list! We have really been enjoying the school lunches and have settled well into school life.
We have loved our literacy story of 'Goldilocks and the three bears!' here in Dosbarth Chepstow. Goldilocks snuck into our classroom! she broke our stool and left porridge everywhere! She did send us a present to make up for it and we enjoyed making and tasting porridge. We looked at recipes and ingredients too!
We have been exploring our senses a part of being us. Here we used our listening and our sense of hearing to follow instructions in PE. We listened to different objects and learnt how to make predictions, and we went on an outdoor listening walk to find out what we could hear outdoors.
We have had a fabulous end to our Autumn 1 term. We have been learning about becoming ambitious learners. We have been taking responsibility and growing our own cress. We also enjoyed eating this by making rice cake faces.
We ended with learning about Belonging. We discussed where we live, our favourite places in our local community and we looked at symbols on maps.
We celebrated Shwmae day and learnt about the importance of speaking Welsh in Wales. We worked together to create a collaborative piece of art using our nature collections from our outdoor learning.