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Dosbarth Harlech

Welcome to Dosbarth Harlech 2024-2025


Here is some information about Miss Morgan so that you can get to know her a little better.

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In Autumn 2 our theme will be 'Beneath the Earth' where we will be exploring coal mining and how this has changed overtime. We will also look at the different plants and animals we have within our world and how important their role is. Have a look at our newsletter to find out what else we will be learning.

Class newsletters  Dosbarth Harlech Autumn  2.jpg

We have been looking at how coal is extracted and what this could mean for the environment and habitats. The class were challenged to try and dig out the coal (chocolate chips) without disturbing the habitat around them (the biscuit). Have a look at our results. 


This term our theme is 'Y Draig Goch' we will be learning about Myths and Legends of Wales. Have a look at what other things we will be learning on our newsletter.

Dosbarth Harlech - Autumn Term 1.jpg
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We have also been enjoying creating some music, discussing what a musical ostinato and metre means in music. The children learnt a short sequence on the xylophone and added this to the song we learnt called 'Tour through time'. 

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We have created a map of our local area, discussing key features. 

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To celebrate our Harvest festival, we looked at comparing how people celebrate Harvest around the world.


As part of black history month, we have been learning about the 'Hidden Figures of NASA'. We have started by looking at the contributions that Katherine Johnson made to support NASA in the space race. 


We have been developing our gymnastic skills this term, building up to creating a sequence of movements incorperating skills they have been practicing. Working in groups the children evaluated each other's routines, giving 2 stars and a wish. The class then responded to the feedback they were given and worked to edit their routines. The class created some brilliant routines! 

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