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Dosbarth Conwy
Welcome to Dosbarth Conwy 2024-2025
Here is some information about Miss Cheney so that you can get to know her a little better. Ask her about paper cutting - it is so lovely!
In Autumn 2 our theme is 'Trading Places' we will be learning about trade within the UK and finding out where our products come from, exploring fairness and equality. Have a look at what other things we will be learning on our newsletter.
During our first week back in school we took part in cycling training. We have worked very hard towards our Level 1 and Level 2 certificates. Gwaith bendigedig!
This week we went to Magor Marsh where we took part in pond dipping finding lots of interesting pond creatures and toasted marshmallows on a camp fire. We had lots of fun!
This term our theme is 'Cariad Cymru' we will be learning lots of interesting facts about Wales in the present and the past. Have a look at what other things we will be learning on our newsletter.
On Friday we started to look at time in our Maths sessions. We made clocks practically using blocks to help us to see each minute and practised moving the hands to different times. Gwaith gwych pawb!
We love our rugby skills sessions with Dragons RFC.
We have been busy writing myths and legends in our Literacy work. We then used our digital skills to publish our own books using AI generated images from our writing. Here are some examples for you. Gwaith arbennig!
On Tuesday this week, we were very lucky to have a visit from Gwent Wildlife Trust. We helped build owl boxes before decorating them in our own style. After that, we had lots of fun dissecting owl pellets to find out what they eat. They were full of bones and we tried to work out which small mammals they were from.
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