School Uniform
The school believes that wearing uniform enhances the whole ethos of the school, giving pupils a strong sense of identity with their school and also encouraging pupils to dress neatly and in appropriate clothing for school.
In order to give maximum flexibility for parents our selected colours are grey and red.
Red jumpers,cardigans or sweatshirt
White or red polo shirts
Grey skirts or pinafore dress
Grey trousers long/short
Red checked cotton dresses in the summer
Dark, sensible shoes
Red fleeces
A range of school uniform including tops with the school logo is available for purchase. These are available from www.Tesco.com follow the school uniform links. School Uniform can also be purchased from the Uniform Shop in Newport.
All children are expected to bring a coat to school with them each day, regardless of the weather, as we try to get some fresh air, even on damp days!
For safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery is not permitted, with the exception of wristwatches and stud/sleeper earrings.
All pupils require a change of clothing for physical activities. The school PE kit is:-
Black Shorts
House coloured round necked T-shirt
Plimsolls or trainers are required for out-of-doors activities.
Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your childs name.
Tracksuits may be worn in cold weather.
(School House Teams: Owls White, Kestrels - Red, Buzzards Blue)
For P.E. equipment, waterproof bags with school logo are available for purchase from Tescos. Gym shoes may be worn indoors if necessary, but LEA policy promotes bare feet for gymnastics and all hall-based activities.
Please ensure all clothing is marked clearly with your childs name and it is essential that all pupils have PE kit. All jewellery (including earrings) must be removed for P.E. sessions, including swimming, and long hair should be tied back. Pupils wearing earrings must be able to remove them themselves. It is not satisfactory for earrings to be 'taped' over.